Code of Ethics of the public organization "Misto.Cafe"

The members of the public organization "MISTO.CAFE" agree that the implementation of the "" project will be based on the following ten principles:

  1. PUBLICITY. Each participant of the project agrees to publicity, which implies the publication of his/her name, surname, occupation or profession, photo, and a short motivational statement. This data may be published on the Internet, in the media, printed materials, etc. The participant cannot prohibit the publication of information about his/her participation in the project, unless the participant decides to withdraw from the project.
  2. EQUALITY. All participants are equal to each other, as they have the same rights and obligations within the project, regardless of gender, position, nationality, religion, place of residence, or other characteristics.
  3. INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPATION. The participant takes part in the project as an individual (citizen) regardless of their business or social activities, affiliation with collectives of enterprises, political parties, public organizations, trade unions, etc. Each participant in the project represents himself/herself, not the organization or group to which he/she belongs.
  4. APOLITICALITY. Participants undertake not to use their participation in the project for political gain. Political campaigning within the project (during meetings, on the territory of the institution, etc.), as well as references to their participation in the project in political campaigning.
  5. OF THE DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE. The official opinion or position of the project is represented by the management of the NGO "", the NGO "Algorithm of Actions" or persons specially authorized by them. Any comments made by a participant regarding the project are his or her personal opinion or position.
  6. TEAM ACTION. Each participant appreciates the trust placed in him/her by other partners who have recommended participation and understands the value of teamwork and consensus building.
  7. RESPECT. Mutual respect, trust, honesty, openness and integrity of the participants in the project are unconditionally assumed. Project participants adhere to high ethical standards in their relations with other participants and with management.
  8. NO SPECIAL STATUS IN THE OPERATION OF THE INSTITUTION. All visitors to have the same guest status. Participation in the project does not imply special treatment by the restaurant staff or other privileges. No participant has the right to interfere in the economic activities of the restaurant's administration. All decisions regarding the establishment are made by the participants exclusively at the General Meeting.
  9. RECOGNITION AND ADHERENCE TO THE VALUES OF THE "ALGORITHM OF ACTIONS". is a project of the Algorithm of Actions, so the participants share the values of the environment, namely
    • uncompromising quality of an exclusively world-class level;
    • openness - simple, transparent, honest;
    • organic - no synthetics;
    • individuality - creating unique things;
    • everything we do unites the community and draws attention to Lutsk and Ukraine.
  10. RESPONSIBILITY FOR VIOLATIONS: If a participant violates the above principles, he or she may be excluded from the project. The decision to exclude a participant is made at a meeting of project participants based on the report of a specially created commission.